You've got questions. We've got answers, love hearing from our fans, and have loads of ultra-cool swag like [CENSORED] and [REDACTED] to give away. With that in mind, we've set up a special e-mail address for fan questions and feedback, but it's so brand-spanking-new that the inbox is empty. Think you could help us out?
Introducing the Gearbox Mailbag! Shoot your questions to [email protected]. Every so often, we'll reach into the mailbag and have the Gearbox Software crew–the world's foremost experts on all things Gearbox Software–respond to a few questions right here on Gearboxity.
Not only will you get answers, but the individual responsible for any published question will receive an ultra-cool prize–official rules permitting, of course.
Well, what are you waiting for? Get to it and send us your questions already! These prizes aren't going to win themselves, after all…