Now that Borderlands 2 has gone gold and we’ve shifted our efforts to post-launch support of the game, we have some exciting news to share about our plans for add-on content.
After the release of the game, four brand new add-on campaigns for Borderlands 2 are coming your way, featuring new areas to explore, new adventures to undertake, new enemies to overcome and more. Priced individually at 800 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360 and $9.99 on PC and PlayStation 3, these four campaign add-ons are scheduled to hit by June 2013 with more details to come in the future as development progresses.
Soon we’ll be offering a “Season Pass” bundle that includes all four campaign add-on packs for 2400 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360 and $29.99 on PC and PlayStation Network — a savings of 25% over buying each campaign add-on individually. The Borderlands 2 Season Pass will be available through Steam, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live and will also be available at GameStop.
NOTE: The Borderlands 2 Premiere Club and other pre-order items are not included in the Borderlands 2 Season Pass. For more details about the Borderlands 2 Premiere Club and other pre-order items, please visit www.borderlands2.com/preorder and our Borderlands 2 FAQ.