Play with the Devs Event!

Tomorrow (September 17th, 2016) we’ll be holding our second Play with the Devs event! This means that our team will be playing with the community on all platforms from 10am-6pm PT. Make [...]

Ernest Early Access Begins!

As of today, Ernest, the explosive demobird and 28th Battleborn, is available for owners of the Battleborn Season Pass and Digital Deluxe Edition! Head over to the Battleborn blog to get all the [...]

Battleplan #14

The latest Battleborn Battleplan is now live on the Gearbox Forums! This week, we’re showcasing some awesome community content, announcing our weekly hot fixes — including a Character [...]

Battleplan #13

In this week’s Battleborn Battleplan, we’re celebrating Pendles’ release with a Double XP event! Also, a little more about Ernest, hot fix notes, and the community spotlight [...]

Battleplan #12

This week’s Battleplan is now live! This week, we dole out lots of Pendles info and announce the dates for our next Double XP event. Check it out on our forums!

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